Month: February 2025

Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game

Have you ever tried to communicate with a ghost to solve their murder? In Mysterium, that’s exactly what you do; only instead of words, the ghost communicates through cryptic visions. It’s a fantastic concept for a board game, blending deduction with eerie, dreamlike imagery.

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A New Way to Study Butterflies

Last week I started working on the Butterfly Microscope, a block that would allow players to learn more about butterflies and craft butterfly books. This week I finished implementing it, and made a new release so people can play with new block already.

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The Death That Made Star Trek

The first season of The Next Generation is generally considered one of the weakest in the series, leading many fans to recommend skipping it altogether. Among its missteps, one moment is often singled out: the abrupt and seemingly meaningless death of Tasha Yar.

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The Druids of the Cloakwood

Aegon leads the Troupe to the Cloakwood in pursuit of Tazok. They learn that the Iron Throne has a facility in the forest where they hold prisoners. They meet some hunters in the forest who murdered a druid, and are now poised to help the druids defend their home.

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Just Luang Prabang Things

There are a lot of things you do when you travel. I like to write about the many things I’ve done over the years, but often there are some things that won’t fill an article.

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A New Butterfly Microscope

This week I’ve been working on a new block that should help fix the issues with crafting a Butterfly Book. The new block will allow players to learn about butterflies without having to craft the book, but it will also allow players to add and remove pages to Butterfly Books.

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