Gellana Mirrorshade

The wife of Bentley Mirrorshade and a former adventurer who runs the temple in the Friendly Arm Inn.

What Lies Beneath Bone Hill

The Troupe made it to the center of Bone Hill Castle and defeated the mage, Telvar, who was leading the hobgoblins. Though they may have thwarted an attack on Restenford, Telvar’s journal has revealed that a mysterious entity known only as “The Wraith” is giving the orders.

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Assault on Bone Hill Castle

During their travels in the Reddy Forest the Troupe heard rumours of hobgoblins setting up camp in a Bone Hill Castle. Worried that the hobgoblin fort may lead to more troubles for the town, the Troupe sets off to investigate the castle and see if the rumours are true.

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A Mission From Lathander

The troupe helped Dorn get his revenge on the necromancer, Kryll. After learning Simmeon gave the order to betray the Blackguard, Dorn wishes to travel to Baldur’s Gate once it is open so he can complete his quest for vengeance.

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Revenge of the Blackguard

Aegon’s Troupe helped Gavin in his mission to slay the murderer, Bassilus, who turned out to be an insane necromancer. Having ensured the area is safe from undead, Aegon and the others have agreed to help Dorn hunt Kryll, another necromancer who betrayed the half-orc in the past.

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Friendly Arm Inn

Mature Content Warning: This post contains mature content from the Romantic Encounters mod. There will be a link to skip it if you prefer.

4 Mirtul 1368

We climb the stairs to the Inn, but our way is blocked by a robed man wielding a quarterstaff.

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