This week I’ve been working on a new block that should help fix the issues with crafting a Butterfly Book. The new block will allow players to learn about butterflies without having to craft the book, but it will also allow players to add and remove pages to Butterfly Books.
The biggest selling video game of all time.
Butterflies, Moths and Bugs
This week I spent some time fixing a few bugs I’ve been noticing while testing the mod. Now our butterflies look better, animate better, and spawn better. These things may seem minor in comparison to adding cool new features, but as I’ve said before: details matter.
Minecraft Mods About Cats
I’m still in China and unable to continue work on my mod, so I’m going to talk about some mods I like involving cats instead. These are two very simple mods that don’t change too much. They’ll fit right in to any vanilla-style modpack.
Improving Quality of Life
This week I add a lot of quality of life improvements to the mod, as well as a bug fix. There aren’t really any major new features, but the mod is now a little easier to use, and is now compatible with mods that add custom biomes to Minecraft.
200 Files and Nothing New
This week I merged a change consisting of over 200 files. It’s probably the largest change I’ve made since the project began, and yet it doesn’t actually introduce anything new. Instead, it fixes a mistake I made when I first created the mod.
Keeping Their Numbers Down
Butterflies have been taking over. There have been reports that thousands have been spawning, overwhelming servers and lagging out game worlds. So I have spent a large portion of this week working to reduce the butterfly population and ensure that Minecraft servers remain safe.
Syncing the Butterfly Data
After releasing version 3.0.0 of the mod, I got a bug report in very quickly. Butterflies were no longer spawning in server games. I hadn’t really been testing servers up to that point, but as it turns out that didn’t mean people weren’t using the mod on servers.
Let’s Bottle Caterpillars!
I’ve been focusing a lot on caterpillars these last few weeks, and a thought occurred to me. Wouldn’t it be cool to have bottles with caterpillars in as well.