Month: October 2022

Jovial Juggler

8 Mirtul 1368

We have explored most of the homes in Beregost now. We make our way to the south of the town to find the Jovial Juggler, the only inn we haven’t visited. Outside we come across a scene that could be from a play.

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Family Troubles

8 Mirtul 1368

We come across a girl who is upset her parents are fighting. She seems scared to go into her own home, so we decide to go inside and see if we can help resolve their argument. Inside we meet her mother.

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Noses in Books

8 Mirtul 1368

We find ourselves in the Burning Wizard where we helped Rose get out of some trouble with one of the patrons. It turns out she had stolen his money, but she was willing to share. Since we make a good team, we have decided to travel together.

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Song of the Morning

8 Mirtul 1368

After meeting Gavin at the Temple in Beregost, he agrees to take us to Dawn Priest Blaise so I can deliver Sister Sapientia’s letter. He leads us to the vestibule on the west side of the temple.

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Friends from the Keep

8 Mirtul 1368

Across from Firebead’s home we find Feldepost’s Inn. Firebead wanted a copy of “The History of the Fateful Coin”, which he said should be for sale at the inn. We make our way inside.

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A Talkative Aura

8 Mirtul 1368

Seeking to deliver another of Bartleby’s letters, we enter the home of Firebead. Inside we find him with his nose in a book. It takes a second before he realises he has company, and he looks up at us.

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Making Friends

8 Mirtul 1368

There are a lot of NPC mods in this install, and most of them are in Beregost. So we are going to be looking at a lot of new characters over the next few chapters.

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