
The goddess of darkness in the Forgotten Realms.


The Magic User in the Middle

The Troupe continue their assault on Bone Hill Castle, which is overrun by highly organised hobgoblins. The Troupe seeks out the leader of the hobgoblins, hoping to learn what is behind the occupation of the castle and to ensure the nearby town of Restenford is safe.

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Assault on Bone Hill Castle

During their travels in the Reddy Forest the Troupe heard rumours of hobgoblins setting up camp in a Bone Hill Castle. Worried that the hobgoblin fort may lead to more troubles for the town, the Troupe sets off to investigate the castle and see if the rumours are true.

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Disorganising of the Gnolls

The Troupe leaves the town of Restenford for the first time. They make their way toward Tri-Top, the source of the gnoll attacks. Somehow their assaults on the towns defenses have become more frequent and better organised, and the Troupe has been tasked to find out why.

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