Memories from the Lockdown

In 2022 Shanghai was put into a lockdown that was only supposed to last 5 days. I prepared enough food to last and wasn’t too worried about getting more. It turned out that the lockdown was to last over 60 days, and during that time, access to food and medicine would be all but cut off completely.

What follows are some pictures I took during that time, as well as some that were sent around WeChat (China’s main social media app).

Taking a walk pre-lockdown wearing an appropriate shirt.
Protesting the lack of access to food.
Someone tried to escape the lockdown by crashing through the barriers.
What I used to self-medicate early on in the lockdown. It was easier to get alcohol delivered than it was to get food.
A food parcel sent from Demonware, where I was working at the time. I cried when I got this. It meant I could eat again.
This was my main source of milk during the lockdown. I learned you could make a half decent curry using this instead of coconut milk.
The aftermath of a dog being swung to death. The Dabai believed cats and dogs spread the disease, and didn’t use humane methods to kill them.
Halloween costume of a Covid test station. Local police didn’t find this funny. After the lockdown people would be arrested for wearing Covid or lockdown themed costumes.
Drinking with a friend through the gate to my compound. This was the first time in over 60 days I had seen someone from outside my apartment.