I found the 3x Buldak noodles that were recalled in Denmark. These are the spiciest variety, so I had to see if these would outdo my love for spicy foods. Are these really too spicy for humans to eat?
The last time I did this I had the 2x Spicy noodles in a cup. This time I spotted the 3x Spicy in a 7-11 in Chiang Mai, the kinds you need to boil in a pan. I had to do it. It was time to see how spicy these things really were.

I took it back to my homestay and prepared it. Often when you prepare ramen like this you will add things to it to make it more interesting: vegetables, an egg, maybe some SPAM. I didn’t do it this time – I wanted to see what the noodles were like on their own.

So, verdict? They’re not the spiciest thing I’ve ever eaten. Sure they are strong, and if you’re not used to spicy food you might struggle. But there is a LOT out there that feels spicier. The kicker comes with the soup. Drinking that really gets the mouth burning. It’s still not the strongest thing I’ve had, but I was sweating by the end of it.

The stated reason for it being pulled out of Denmark is that there is too much capsaicin, enough to classify it as poisonous. Haven eaten pure capsaicin before I can understand why they might err on the side of caution. It can knock you out for a while if you aren’t used to it.
That being said, I still think they’re perhaps being a bit too cautious. People who like spicy food will definitely enjoy these noodles. I would say that I don’t think they pose a health risk, but I don’t want to argue with health professionals that know more about this than I do.