Dream Diary: Stargate Escape

Sometimes I have weird dreams. This is a dream I had long ago. I guess at the time I was rewatching Stargate SG-1 again, as I ended up travelling through wormholes and battling aliens as I slept.

I was exploring an alien world with Samantha Carter when we were surrounded by the people native to the planet. They didn’t like that we were trespassing on their land, and arrested us for our crime. We were dragged into a van that looked similar to any van you might find on Earth.

The doors locked behind us, we looked out and saw that two men had remained. They were taking it in turns to patrol, while the other stayed near the van’s doors. We discussed potential escape plans, but we knew that even if we managed to break free, we would still be trapped on alien world and may not be able to get to the Stargate.

Despite this, I managed to break out of the van and disabled the guard outside. I took his weapon and started firing at the other guard. It stunned the guard, but as soon as I released the trigger the guard was free again. These weapons must have been designed to incapacitate rather than to kill. I squeezed the trigger again and kept it trained on the guard as Cart and I fled the scene.

pursued and started to bombard our position. We ran into the nearby forest for cover, and continued our search for the gate.

The gate seemed to be moving, but we still found the gate with 14 seconds to spare. The event horizon hadn’t formed yet. We considered giving the enemy the runaround for a few more seconds until the gate opened, but it was risky as they could use the opportunity to cut us off from the wormhole.

The gate opened prematurely, and with the enemy closing we took a chance and jumped through, not knowing where we would end up. Meanwhile in space O’Neill and Teal’c were frustrated at being left behind.

“Fine!”, said O’Neill, “We’ll do it ourselves!” The gate was now spinning through space next to them. They opened the space gate and floated through.

We soon made radio contact with Teal’c and O’Neill, who informed us that the nearby stargate is about to dial out. Carter took out a scanner that could locate the gate and would also tell us when it would activate. The same scanner also detected a ship warping into orbit and descending toward our position. The ship dropped ground troops that pursued and started to bombard our position. We ran into the nearby forest for cover, and continued our search for the gate.

The gate seemed to be moving, but we still found the gate with 14 seconds to spare. The event horizon hadn’t formed yet. We considered giving the enemy the runaround for a few more seconds until the gate opened, but it was risky as they could use the opportunity to cut us off from the wormhole.

The gate opened prematurely, and with the enemy closing we took a chance and jumped through, not knowing where we would end up. Meanwhile, in space, O’Neill and Teal’c were frustrated at being left behind.

“Fine!”, said O’Neill, “We’ll do it ourselves!” Another stargate now spinning through space next to them. They opened the space gate and floated through.

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